• Assignment 5 (due 04/30) to be done in pairs 
    • Download the following paper: file:///Users/christophechamley/Downloads/cesifo1_wp10095%20(3).pdf
    • Provide a good discussion of the critique by the authors of the following paper
      • Voigtländer, N., and H. J. Voth. Persecution Perpetuated: The Medieval Origins of Anti-Semitic Violence in Nazi Germany. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 127, no. 3(2012): 1339-92.
      •  Voigtländer, N., and H. J. Voth. “Response to Guinnane and Hoffman: Medieval Anti-Semitism, Weimar Social Capital, and the Rise of the Nazi Party: A Reconsideration.” CESIfo Working Paper No. 10180, 2023.
  • Assignment 4 (due 04/16, noon)
    • Browse the article on the fiscal polilcy of Philip II of Spain (page of the course, EHR 2014), and write a  summary with one question (500-1000 words). to be done individually.
  • Assignment 3 (due 04/09)

Compare the following papers (1000 words)

Chaney, Eric (2013). "Revolt on the Nile: Economic Shocks, Religion, and Political Power," Econometrica, 81(5), 2033-2053.

Manning et al. (2017). "Volcanic suppression of Nile summer flooding triggers revolt and constrains interstate conflict in ancient Egypt," Nature Communications}, 8, (900).

  • Assignment 2 (due 04/02) delivered by e-mail
    • Write a report on the paper

Raster, Tom (2023). "Contagious coercion:The effect of plagues on serfdom in the Baltics," mimeo. Your report will have the following parts: overview, method, data, results, assessment.